At POW-Her, we take pride in providing an unparalleled combination of services that sets us apart from any other clinic.
Active Release Technique
The goal of ART® is to restore optimal texture, motion, and function of the soft tissue and release any entrapped nerves or blood vessels. This is accomplished through the removal of adhesions or fibrosis in the soft tissues via the application of specific protocols. Adhesions can occur as a result of acute injury, repetitive motion , and constant pressure or tension. ART® eliminates the pain and dysfunction associated with these adhesions. Every ART session is actually a combination of examination and treatment. The ART provider uses his or her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.
These treatment protocols - over 500 specific moves - are unique to ART. They allow providers to identify and correct the specific problems that are affecting each individual patient. ART is not a cookie-cutter approach.
Graston Technique
The Graston Technique® (GT) Instruments, while enhancing the clinician's ability to detect fascial adhesions and restrictions, have been clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes in treating both acute and chronic conditions, including: Cervical sprain/Strain, Lumbar sprain/strain, Adhesions, Scar Tissue, Plantar Fasciitis (foot pain), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (wrist pain), Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow), Medial Epicondylitis (golfer's elbow), Rotator Cuff Tendinosis (shoulder pain), Patellofemoral Disorders (knee pain), Achilles Tendinosis (ankle pain), Fibromyalgia, Trigger Finger, Shin Splints and more.
Erchonia Cold Laser Therapy
Mitochondria and Light Photons of light stimulate the mitochondria to produce ATP and activate the normal biochemical response to injury and cell repair. The basic principle of laser therapy will work on the conditions of: PAIN (somatic, visceral , and neuropathic ), INFLAMMATION (reduction of edema), and TISSUE INJURY (stimulation of wound healing and tissue repair). Laser therapy also reduces reactive oxygen species and changes the presence of transcription factors, molecules that activate genes by binding to DNA. In addition to improving the energy output from mitochondria to power cell function, ATP is also used as a signaling molecule in communications between nerve cells and other tissues.
Rapid Release Technique
Scar Tissue forms in the body as a temporary patching mechanism for wounds caused by surgery, trauma or repetitive stress. This scar tissue is made from collagen just like our skin but without blood supply it dies, dries out, constricts and becomes brittle. Scar tissue fastened to tissues not normally connected, is called an adhesion. Adhesions can spread, entrapping nerves, causing pain and numbness or limiting range of motion. Un-diagnosed pain and restricted mobility are likely to be caused by these adhesions. Scar Tissue Therapy ™ is focused on relief of soft tissue problems caused by scar tissue adhesions. The shearing force of planar wave energy passes safely through flexible healthy tissue, but readily absorbed by the brittle, dense scar tissue.
RRT has determined the optimum frequency that resonates with the scar tissue for maximum effectiveness by using high speed video shot at 2000 frames/second. With only a 2mm stroke, this therapy is feels good and is completely safe. We believe that Scar Tissue Therapy™ is the most effective way to treat painful scar tissue. Scar Tissue Therapy is fast, painless and lasting.
Functional Movement Screening
The FMS screen is a simple and effective tool used by FMS professionals to capture a client/athlete's current movement quality and injury risk. Seven total movement patterns as well as additional assessments are screened to further identify the issue within the movement pattern, narrowing it down to a mobility, stability, or dynamic stability issue. Screening lays the baseline for developing a corrective strategy blueprint to improve your "weak links", manage risk, and prioritize exercise selection for your workouts. This non-biased baseline allows asymmetries and deviations to be efficiently identified. Asymmetries always take priority since they create the highest risk for injury, as research has shown us that these asymmetries and deviations can increase the risk of injury by 3.5 times.
Screening & Scoring Rules
Each movement pattern is allowed 3 attempts and scored as follows:
3 - movement excellence (perfect score)
2 - movement competence (requisite for loading movements)
1 - movement dysfunction (needs correcting)
*0 - pain
A score of 0 must be evaluated and treated by a medical professional*
Scoring Goals & Results
A score of 21 (all 3's) is NOT the goal. The goal is to eliminate all asymmetries and achieve at least symmetrical 2's on each movement screen
A score of 15 or more is desired, although depending on your sport and injury history, the cutoff for injury risk would be a score of 16. The number one risk factor for future injury is previous injury!
A score of 14 or less predicts a higher risk of injury in individuals without previous injury
After screening and correcting the weakest links, the next step would be to retest the dysfunctional patterns, and expect a positive outcome of improved functional movement!

Whole Body Vibration Therapy
The oscillating motion plate provides a workout to 95% of your muscles, increasing muscle mass and tone, whilst reducing body fat and cellulite.
The rapid vibrations cause a high rate of muscle contraction, cramming in reflex muscle contractions at up to 50 times per second. Turbo charge your workout:
Increased muscle mass
Cellulite/body fat reduction
Improved circulation
Improved balance
Reduced stress and fatigue
Better flexibility
Deliver great results in less time - 10 minutes on this machine can replace up to an hour of conventional workout
If you suffer from joint problems, have a heart condition or use a pacemaker, we recommend seeking medical advice before using a vibration trainer.